
Showing posts from April, 2024

Post#4:My Journey into PhD Research thus Far!!!!

                                                                             X-Ray of Boy . (n.d.). . I have been mentally shaken!!!!!....for the better?!!.  Let's first understand my situation,  I am a Certified  Healthcare Technology Manager. A significant part of my job requirements is to keep updated with the new and old developments in Healthcare technology.  I also have to design specifications for medical equipment being purchased and select such equipment for usage. Therefore, I always have to be researching and turning that information into applications that citizens can use. When I saw the particular problem that I wanted to resolve. The solution that I presently have in my head; I do believe it would effectively change the way things are done, if implemented, for the country. I consider myself to be quite successful to an extent in my endeavors at my current  "level".   I realized that the actual pr

Post#2 Understanding the Healthcare Technology world : Some External Links

   Suggested Links with knowledge and understanding of Healthcare Technology and its roles in Health and well-being. Most of the information is self-explanatory of the concepts    1)   : This short video explains the field of Healthcare Technology  2)  Intro to Digital Health : how technology is Transforming Healthcare, Hospitals and Clinics - the information here shows the direction and the need to be able to govern and regulate  the expansion and speed of the technology  3)                                                Humanising healthcare  though Digitisation   4)    Patient design : showing greater emphasis on having more patient involvement in healthcare technology.  5)  Healthcare Data Breach Risks: this shows a major example of poorly governed Healthcare Technology. 6)  Understanding Healthcare Technology Interoperability: what is Interoperability and Why it is Needed  7) Health System Financing:  key knowledge and understanding on financing health systems that include healthc

Post#3 Healthcare Technology and its importance to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS)

                                                                                             What are SDG's?????? " The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity. The 17 SDGs are integrated—they recognise that action in one area will affect outcomes in others, and that development must balance social, economic, and environmental sustainability. Countries have committed to prioritizing progress for those who are furthest behind. The SDGs are designed to end poverty, hunger, AIDS, and  discrimination against women and girls. The creativity, know-how, technology, and financial resources from all of society are necessary to achieve the SDGs in every context "  ( Sustainable Development Goals , n.d.) . ok.....sooo what does Healthcare Technology have to do with SDGs?  Good health a

Post#1 Healthcare Technology Governance : An analysis of Trinidad &Tobago

    image:   ( Technology Life Cycle , n.d.) Healthcare technology(HT) has revolutionised the world in patient care, extending life, changing culture, and has made our world smaller. Trinidad & Tobago is a net consumer of this technology, with high costs in Healthcare technology, knowing and understanding what to focus on, the advent of digital health, AI, and ever-expanding ways to exploit health data, there is a need to evolve Healthcare technology governance. Investment in healthcare assures a superior standard of living, and adds another step toward the well-being and quality of life shown in High-Income countries (HIC) and “developed countries”.  Advancements in healthcare technology revolutionised healthcare solutions improving health processes while a recent focus on healthcare technology planning and management provided major steps toward the increase in Total Value of Healthcare technology implementation.   Trinidad & Tobago, at Present, 100% of our HT has to be import